Fellowship in the World of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many routines, businesses, and lives around the world. Everyone has come to face a new normal and had to adjust to new rules and guidelines. It certainly has not been easy.
Change is hard
With the new social distancing and masking guidelines, it is much harder to feel as connected to people as it was pre-pandemic. Especially in the church, we are prompted to not greet each other with hugs and maintain as much distance as possible during the service. Fellowship is a large part of what makes the church great, so how do we continue to connect and grow together safely during a worldwide pandemic?

Thankfully, technology offers a lot of opportunities to stay connected. With platforms such as Zoom, we can meet at any time online. We are able to have small groups, bible studies, meetings, and gatherings. While it is not the same as meeting in person, we are still able to have some resemblance of connection.
Another technological platform that has helped Methodists United in Faith is Facebook. Facebook allows us to live-stream our sermons and Wednesday Night Psalm Reviews with ease. Through this platform, we are able to reach all who wish to join, no matter where they are, and interact with them live.
Meeting safely in-person
Finally, while technology is a useful tool to stay connected in a pandemic, it is not the same as meeting in person. We understand this and are excited that the state has allowed us to continue in-person meetings. While we are not able to interact in the same way as we might have before the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to have a congregation back in our pews. We continue to have events and services in person, while still following the guidelines set in place by our local leaders. Although it is sometimes frustrating to follow these guidelines, masks and social distancing does not stop us from continuing our mission to grow in fellowship with our congregation and make Jesus known in our communities.